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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

pen mind potential


the sitter watching every
one around him move
reaching within once again strength
he know it's there ready pounce
at the opportunity wherever it sticks
itself the sitter waiting for the chance
to stand on something
more sturdy than sand
some will say his pen mind
has potential while some
just ask what size straight-jacket
does he wear not insulted just
encouraged to push through an and all
criticism and focus on the real thoughts
who will keep everyone focused on
the free thought while it remains free
at least or would they even
realize it's slipping away
with every ridiculous news story
to distract from the importance
of the free thought
freedom and the right to simply be
the inspiration is in front of me
as the watcher sits waiting
for the mist to turn to rain
the storm is what is needed
to refresh the ground around some
might say enough is enough
nearly twenty days recent rain involved
the revolution will be televised
but it won't be the one necessary
to take hold and secure free
thought once again addicted to thought
putting it here to persevere
it's freedom he wants it to fly
like he knows it can
and will given the chance... 

fear is the epidemic


fear is what they use to try to control us all
but we aren't as dumb as they want or need us to be
it's the flu, can it kill us, sure
will it stop everyone of us, not a chance
we will fight it until the last breath
the final moment
fear is the epidemic that they hope will catch us all
unsuspecting sleeping at the wheel
and swerving into each other...

living for a living

1113/2001 300pm

he's always accidentally
overhearing the audio autobiography
everyone carries in the back of their
mouth are the portable resumes
he's always hearing what people
have done but what are they doing
working for a living only means
doing what you really don't want
to be doing in order to make
money but how do we escape
the circle the tortures of society
as a whole everyone's enjoying
the recession media blitz war on terror
working for living and worried that there
will be nothing left when you can
work no more suddenly the clouds turn
purple as the night darkness
starts to threaten it's approach
fading into black like the end of a movie
but how many don't care
still working don't notice
he's trying his hardest
to make ends meet somewhere
in the middle so that he
can continue to be living for a living...

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Ottomic Blue's Gripe with the Movie "SE7EN"

Okay so Seven is a great movie and all........Paltrow, Pitt, Freeman, Spacey....all awesome actors and awesome performances. The writing was great, direction as well down to the NIN looking openning credits. My gripe lies however in the conclusion. Kevin Spacey's John Doe is killing off people in New York, in reflection to their sin. So count of the deadly Sins with me and the victims.....

1. Gluttony--fat guy--fed until he burst
2. Greed--lawyer--bled to death
3. Sloth--Victor, drug dealer--tied to bed and starved for a year
4. Pride--Beauty queen--suicide (ate pills when given a choice between living on deformed or dying instead)
5. Lust--Blonde whore--fucked with the knife strap on
6. Envy--Kevin Spacey's John Doe--Shot by Det. Mills (upon revealing how he admired him, and cut off his wifes head)
7. Wrath--Brad Pitt's Det. David Mills-- ?????

Soooo... Spacey's sin was envy and he died for it by the hand of Pitt. Now Pitt embodies wrath and that is his of the 7 deadly sins. So in order for the 7 deaths and completion of Spacey's work....Pitt's character should die for his sin in some reflective manner. Unless he is put to death by the state or somethin it is left undone....he is taken away in the back of a cruiser at the end and the cheif says he will try to get him the best help and it i have always felt is is unfinished. thats all.